Coral REEF Lab
Reproduction and Experimentation Ecology Fogarty Lab
With the worldwide decline of coral reefs, it is crucial to understand how local and global stressors that reduced coral densities influence coral reproductive success. My lab conducts basic and applied research to better understand the stressors driving coral mortality and how to optimize coral husbandry for restoration. Our state-of-the-art spawning facility can mimic conditions in the wild resulting in repeated ex-situ spawning, while temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and light can be manipulated in our 36-tank experimental system. We conduct interdisciplinary research through collaborations with microbial, developmental, and molecular biologists, comparative physiologists, chemists, and restoration practitioners.
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University of North Carolina @ Wilmington | Center for Marine Science
5600 Marvin K. Moss Ln | Wilmington, NC 28409 United States
Nicole Fogarty | (910) 962-2301 |