Developing transgenic corals as a novel technology for reef restoration studies P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Co-PIs: Jake Warner, Nathan Crowe, Cecilia Conaco, Michael Atrigenio (2024-2026)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Coral spawning and optimization of coral propagation techniques in land-based nurseries P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty (2023-2024)
NOAA Ruth Gates Coral Restoration Innovation
Optimizing light spectrum to upscale grow-out of coral recruits for restoration P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Co-PIs: Joana Figueiredo, Hanna Koch, Keri O’Neil (2023-2025)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Examining novel techniques in lab-based spawning to upscale for coral restoration P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty (2022-2023)
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
Developing Transgenic Corals for Reef Restoration P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Co-PI: Jake Warner (2022)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Supporting aquarium induced spawning and experiments to enhance coral propagation and restoration P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty (2021-2022)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Supporting land-based sexual propagation activities in corals using artificial light P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty (2021)
Norwegian Cruise Line
Reef Coral Rearing, Restoration, and Research at Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas; Education and Engagement for NCL Guests P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Collaborators: Drs. Craig Dahlgren, Abby Renegar (2017-2018)
SECORE International
Using novel restoration techniques in coral conservation in the Bahamas with focus on hybrids P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Project Manager: Kory Enneking (2017-2018)
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
Identifying disease resistant and thermal tolerant threatened coral genotypes P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Co-PI: Dr. Steven Miller, Project Manager: Morgan Hightshoe (2016-2018)
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Hybridization, the key to threatened species survival or the harbinger of extinction? P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Dr. Iliana Baums, Dr. Webb Miller (2015- 2019) Reef-building acroporid corals form the foundation of shallow tropical coral communities throughout the Caribbean. Yet, the once dominant staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) and the elkhorn coral (A. palmata) have decreased by more than 90% since the 1980s, primarily from disease. Their continuing decline jeopardizes the ability of coral reefs to provide numerous societal and ecological benefits, including economic revenue from seafood harvesting and tourism and shoreline protection from extreme wave events caused by storms and hurricanes. Despite their protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act since 2006, threats to the survival of reef-building acroporid corals remain pervasive and include disease and warming ocean temperatures that may lead to further large-scale mortality. However, hybridization among these closely related species is increasing and may provide an avenue for adaptation to a changing environment. While hybrids were rare in the past, they are now thriving in shallow habitats with extreme temperatures and irradiance and are expanding into the parental species habitats. Additional evidence suggests that the hybrid is more disease resistant than at least one of the parental species. Hybridization may therefore have the potential to rescue the threatened parental species from extinction through the transfer of adapted genes via hybrids mating with both parental species, but extensive gene flow may alter the evolutionary trajectory of the parental species and drive one or both to extinction. This collaborative project is to collect genetic and ecological data in order to understand the mechanisms underlying increasing hybrid abundance. The knowledge gained from this research will help facilitate more strategic management of coral populations under current and emerging threats to their survival.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
Identifying disease resistant and thermal tolerant threatened coral genotypes P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Dr. Steven Miller, Graduate Assistant: Morgan Hightshoe (2016-2018) Since the 1970s, loss of herbivores, coral bleaching, and disease epidemics have reshaped the ecological framework of coral reefs. Caribbean acroporids are the most important shallow reef-building corals and the most sensitive to high sea temperatures and disease outbreaks. These two stressors cannot be decoupled; the highest coral disease prevalence occurs after periods of thermal stress. The white-band disease (WBD) epidemic is a major contributor to the decline of threatened Caribbean acroporids. Previous research indicates that disease and thermal resistant acroporid colonies exist in select Caribbean locations. Identifying resistant genotypes is important in the natural population, but absolutely critical for restoration efforts that outplant corals to the reef. This study aims to experimentally test disease resistance and thermal tolerance in 48 A. cervicornis genotypes from the first established coral nursery located in the upper Florida Keys. NOAA has identified infectious disease and temperature as the two most severe threats of Acropora spp. This study will provide data to help: (1) mitigate these threats to natural acroporid populations, (2) establish the best protocol to test disease and thermal tolerance in coral nurseries across Florida and the Caribbean, and (3) create the best management practices for coral restoration efforts.
Mote Marine Laboratory Protect Our Reef Grant
Can forming coral chimeras be a novel restoration method used with microfragmenting techniques? P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Project Manager: Ashley Dungan, Graduate Assistant: Alicia Vollmer (2016) As coral populations in the Caribbean continue to decline due to anthropogenic stressors, restoration efforts have been amplified to try and save our declining reefs. Chimeras, the co-habitation of at least two genotypes in one individual coral colony, may be the best option for restoration efforts because they are genetically diverse and can be robust to their changing environment. However, chimera formation in adult corals remains unstudied. Here we seek to determine how genetic heterogeneity may form across multiple genotypes of Orbicellafaveolata.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Comprehensive conditions assessment for disease outbreak P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Dr. Esther Peters, Project Manager: Alicia Vollmer (2016) Working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on a Coral Reef Conservation Program initiative we collected data from diverse sources that can contribute to our understanding of the northern Florida Reef Tract (FRT) coral disease outbreak that occurred primarily on reefs of Miami-Dade and Broward counties during 2015, following major coral bleaching events in the summers of 2014 and 2015. We collected data pertaining to physical, chemical, biological, and hydrological parameters that were collected at sites extending from the northern boundary of Biscayne Park to St. Lucie inlet.
NSU Fishing Tournament Scholarship
Disease and thermal tolerance in the threatened coral, Acropora cervicornis P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Student: Megan Bock (2016-2018) Since the 1970s, populations of the Caribbean coral Acropora cervicornis have decreased dramatically. These losses, which have reached up to 98% n some areas, have been attributed primarily to bleaching and white-band disease (WBD). Although a positive linear relationship between disease prevalence and increased water temperature has been described, the pathogens of WBD, its vectors, and transmission are poorly understood. With an estimated sea-surface temperature rise of 1.8‒4.0 °C by the end of the 21st century, higher incidences of disease outbreak are expected. In order to predict future population success of A. cervicornis, we are conducting a series of disease transmission studies on a range of genotypes in a local population from the Florida Keys.
The Nature Conservancy
Contract: Acropora cervicornis genotyping P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Hunter Noren (2016) Understanding the number of unique genotypes is important to coral nursery practitioners and restoration efforts.
Mote Marine Laboratory Protect Our Reef Grant
Mutligenerational investigation of Diadema antillarum under ocean acidification conditions P.I.: Drs. Nicole Fogarty, Emily Hall; Project Manager: Ashley Dungan (2015-2016) The seawater changes due to rapidly rising anthropogenic addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are measurable and alarming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that continuing emission rates may lead to a surface pH reduction from 8.2 to 7.7 by the end of the century. Lowered pH will have detrimental effects on countless coral reef species, thus jeopardizing the recovery of this at risk ecosystem. Three decades ago, an unprecedented mortality event of the Diadema antillarum sea urchin led to the near collapse of Caribbean coral reefs. This sea urchin is a keystone species that reduces macroalgae cover and increases coral recruitment and thus reflects the overall health of coral reefs. Recent evidence suggests that the number of D. antillarum is increasing at some Caribbean locations, but many threats still exist, such as ocean acidification (OA), that many hinder D. antillarum’s recovery. It remains unknown how low pH environments will physiologically affect D. antillarum. Our objective is to quantify the physiological effects of high CO2 on this keystone species and identify the life stage that is most vulnerable under OA conditions. We will fill this gap in knowledge using multigenerational studies to quantify the adaptability/acclimation potential for D. antillarum. The outlined methodology consists of techniques that do not involve mortality to preserve the population. The final outcome of this project will provide coral reef ecosystem resource managers with information on the threat of OA to an imperiled key stone species that influences the resilience of coral reef ecosystems.
NSU Presidential Faculty Research and Development Grant
Do hybrids of threatened coral survive better in a warming ocean? P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistants: Alicia Vollmer and Margaret Rushmore (2015-2016) The only most well known coral hybrid system consists of the once dominant but now threatened Caribbean species, Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata. While these hybrids and rare in the past, they are now increasing in number, thriving in shallow habitats with extreme temperatures and light intensity, and expanding into the parental species habitats. What remains uncertain is what mechanism allow hybrids to thrive in hot, shallow waters? Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine if the hybrids ability to withstand high temperature better than the parental species can help explain their recent success. This research will help explain how a coral hybrid can thrive when most corals are declining at alarming rates.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
Investigating how coral recruitment and juvenile survivorship varies along the Florida Reef Tract P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Rob Ruzicka, Dr. Danny Gleason, Graduate Assistant: Leah Harper (2014-2018) This project will characterize coral recruitment and juvenile survivorship across the Florida Reef Tract and use a combination of methods to compare settlement rates on tiles and natural reef substrate. The study will elucidate species specific patterns of recruitment and assess temporal, spatial, and physical parameters that may facilitate various levels of recruitment. The study will identify “recruitment hotspots” that will aid management efforts and will assist restoration efforts by prioritizing coral species or reef locations that indicate an inadequate ability to recover naturally.
Mote Marine Laboratory Protect Our Reef Grant
Quantifying the effect of ocean acidification on microcalcification among coral life history stages P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Ashley Dungan (2014-2015) Over the past decade, marine scientists have been exploring the effects of ocean acidification on the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of the ocean. Because survivorship at every life stage is necessary for organismal survival and development of future generations, looking at life stage differences may show at which developmental stage this coral is most vulnerable. Organisms may be able to adapt by up-regulating calcification or change mineral production in response to increased acidity of seawater. This project seeks to evaluate this question by raising coral polyps in a high CO2 environment and using techniques to look at changes in mineral content, differences in size, and integrity of newly calcified material. Using a multidisciplinary approach of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), histology, and elemental analysis, we quantified the effects of ocean acidification on microskeletal structures.
NSU Presidential Faculty Research and Development Grant
How does colony size and density influence paternity in a brooding coral? P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Alicia Vollmer (2014-2016) Broadcast spawning corals once dominated the Florida Reef Tract (FRT), but since their decline, smaller brooding corals, soft corals, and macroalgae are replacing them. Brooding corals are more resilient to current threats in part because they are reproductive throughout much of the year andtheir larvae are competent to settle after release. Despite the ubiquity of brooders on Florida reefs, much of their reproductive strategy remains unknown. This study examines paternity as a function of colony size and density in Porites astreoides, a common brooding coral in the FRT.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
Mesophotic Reefs: The Future of Shallow Reefs May Lie Deeper than Expected P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Alicia Vollmer, Hunter Noren (2014-2015) The decline of shallow coral reefs worldwide has led to a renewed interest in the Deep Reef Refugia Hypothesis (DRRH), which suggests that deeper, healthier, mesophotic corals may provide a source of gametes and/or larvae for their depauperate shallow counterparts. However, it is still unclear if the gametes of shallow and deep conspecifics are compatible and if larvae generated from deep corals are attracted to or can persist on shallow reefs. This proposal takes a mechanistic approach to determine the potential connectivity of deep and shallow Orbicella spp. in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Belize through fertilization and larval ecology.
The Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research
Coral recovery on phase-shifted reefs depend upon the type of macroalgae present P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Student: Justin Voss (2014) South Florida reefs are experiencing a phase shift from coral to macroalgae dominance. Excessive amounts of macroalgae can be detrimental to coral reefs by competing with corals for space and preventing larvae from settling. The macroalgae Laurencia is particularly abundant, covering over 50% of a reef during spring and summer, which also corresponds to coral reproduction season. However, this genus benefits several marine invertebrates by inducing settlement and metamorphosis. The compounds released by Laurencia share similarities to bromotyrosine, a compound found in crustose coralline algae identified as increasing coral planulae settlement and triggering metamorphosis. Past behavior studies discovered that coral larvae responded to macroalgal compounds by changing swimming depth. This experiment determined if Porites astreoides and Montastraea cavernosa larvae settlement, post-settlement survival, and behavior were altered by the presence of Laurencia sp.
Broward Shell Club Fund
Effects of sedimentation on the physiology and oxidative stress of two common scleractinian corals P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Student: Margaret Rushmore (2014) Increasing levels of sedimentation, are a result of human disturbances in coastal areas such as dredging, drilling, runoff, and both coastal and upstream deforestation. These activities comprise one of the most persistent and damaging human-induced stressors to coral colonies worldwide. Sedimentation can affect corals lifecycle in the following ways: 1) mortality from smothering or complete burial, 2) decreased adult colony growth via abrasion and shading, 3) decreased photosynthetic activity increasing respiration, and 4) significantly reducing larvae production, settlement, and survival. This project examined the physiological response of scleractinian coral species when exposed to sedimentation stress.
Florida State Wildlife Grant
Population structure of Orbicella annularis and O. franksi and their associated zooxanthellae endosymbionts throughout the Florida Reef Tract (P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Dr. Jose Lopez, Dr. Don Levitan, Graduate Assistant: Hunter Noren) (2013-2016) This project aims to determine the genetic diversity and population structure of Orbicella annularis and O. franksi and its associated zooxanthellae throughout the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) using microsatellites and the small subunit ribosomal RNA primers.
NSU Presidential Faculty Research and Development Grant
Effects of sex steroids on coral reproduction and growth P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Josh Stocker (2013-2015) Significant funding and research have been invested in studying numerous anthropogenic stressors on corals; however, steroidal hormone pollutants that are known cnidarians endocrine disruptors have been generally overlooked. Steroidal hormone pollutants from pharmaceutical birth control and hormone replacement therapies have become more prevalent. The primary route for steroidal compounds to enter coastal marine ecosystems in south Florida is from wastewater treatment plants, septic systems, and cesspits. Yet nearshore steroidal pollutant concentrations and the potential effects they may have on coral settlement and recruitment is largely unknown. This study examined how 17 β-estradiol and progesterone affected Porites astreoides reproduction and settlement and Acropora cervicornis growth.
NSU Presidential Faculty Research and Development Grant
The effects of petroleum pollutants on sea urchin reproduction and development P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Graduate Assistant: Kellie Pelikan (2013-2015) Recent mass polluting events, such as the Deepwater Horizon accident, have led researchers to examine the effects of oil and dispersants on a variety of organisms. However, the effect of oil and gasoline through vessel bilge water that is discharged daily is being overlooked. Graduate student Kellie Pelikan explored the effects of petroleum pollutants associated with bilge water over a range of concentrations on the reproduction and development of two sea urchin species, Tripneustes ventricosus and Lytechinus variegatus.
Smithsonian Walcott Endowment Fund
Carrie Bow Belize Acroporid Demographics P.I.: Dr. Nicole Fogarty, Scott Jones, Zach Foltz, Raphael Ritson-Williams, Valerie Paul, and Susie Arnold (2013) Quantifying demographic traits is critical to understanding the ecology and evolution of an organism. Despite the ecological importance and evolutionary complexity of threatened hybridizing acroporid corals, their demographics are not well understood, particularly in the Western Caribbean. In June 2011, we established seven circular plots on a reef in Belize where every acroporid coral was tagged, photographed, measured, sampled for genotypic analysis, and assessed for threats. To document intra-annual variation in demographic processes, these plots were resurveyed every four months and assessed for new asexual fragments and sexual recruits. In late summer, we recorded annual reproductive effort and have documented over 100 observations of tagged colonies spawning. Microsatellite data revealed extensive genotypic diversity in A. palmata, low genotypic diversity in A. cervicornis and A. prolifera (hybrid), and the overall loss of several genotypes after disease and coral bleaching episodes. Additionally, putative new sexual recruits, rare snail predation, and limited 3-spot damselfish damage have been documented at this site. This unique data set allows us to better understand the processes that drive population dynamics of these threatened habitat-building corals, an important step in appropriately managing degraded reefs.
University of North Carolina @ Wilmington | Center for Marine Science 5600 Marvin K. Moss Ln | Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Nicole Fogarty | (910) 962-2301 |